Category Archives: Reisen
Weltreise mit dem Fahrrad
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- Sep., 07, 2022
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Fotografie, Geschichte, Reisen
Ich bin seit dem 30. April 2022 auf einer Fahrrad Weltreise mit meinem Partner Klaus. Mit im Gepäck meine Kameraausrüstung. Auch wenn dadurch 2 Taschen komplett belegt und schwer sind, war es keine Frage, ob diese mit auf die Reise kommt. Tatsächlich verwende ich sie weniger als gedacht, denn in den meisten Fälle reicht die […]
Balance oder Dysbalance
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- Apr., 14, 2021
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Fotografie, Reisen
In der Fotografie geht es oft um den Goldenen Schnitt. Damit soll und wird eine natürlich Balance im Bild erreicht. Eine visuelle Balance, mit der wir die Bildwirkung steuern. Es gibt eine tonale- und eine Farb-Balance, eine symmetrische- oder asymmetrische Balance. Aber genauso kann man mit konzeptioneller Balance arbeiten wie z.B. hell/dunkel, groß/klein, oder gut/böse. […]
New Topographic Movement
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- Nov., 04, 2020
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Fotografie, Kunst, Reisen
Landscape photography somewhat differently! Our view of landscapes and what they are has changed. Cairo, for example, is a cityscape that has nothing to do with the surrounding landscapes. There we find large deserts. Are these deserts also landscapes or maybe just those consisting of mountains and valleys with rivers and lakes? What would be […]
What I make out of it
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- Apr., 19, 2020
- Andrea Kuenstle
- 360° Panorama, Fotografie, Reisen
The new year will differ from the old one in what I make of it. That’s what I once wrote in a blog post at the turn of the year. This year was supposed to be the same…and now? It is so much different! What I make out of it? Normally we travel, 4 months […]
Magazine – Foto Fernweh
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- Apr., 18, 2020
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Fotografie, Fotokurs, Reisen
A magazine about travelling, about the people we meet. It’s about photography and of course about the special perspectives through aerial shots with our drone. It’s about travelling by bicycle and this special way to explore other countries and cultures. Eyes of Cambodia The first magazine, „Eyes of Cambodia“, is mainly talking about the […]
Corona – where will it lead us?
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- Apr., 18, 2020
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Fotografie, Reisen
This blog is about travelling, photography, the people we meet, about Berlin, history and cycling. And you guessed it, none of this is possible at the moment because of Corona. „Corona“ has also tripped me up. I can’t work as a photographer or give workshops at the moment. There are no guests, so there are […]
Streetart in Tel Aviv – a way to „live“ democracy
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- März, 12, 2020
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Reisen
Tel Aviv Streetart equal to Democracy? In search of a little bit of political truth, the peculiarities of different cultures, the wishes and fears of people in different countries, I always look for street art. If it exists, then it is certainly at least a bit critical. Rather rarely only loud and colourful. In Cambodia […]
Architecture in Tel Aviv
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- März, 12, 2020
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Reisen
Everyone talks about Bauhaus The white city, Bauhaus architecture in Tel Aviv. There are infinitely more styles to discover, influenced by all those who occupied the country over the years, often adapted to the local climate and landscape. Buildings in Bauhaus style or using some elements of Bauhaus, glass skyscrapers, sculptural concrete brutalism architecture, Arab […]
Conquer the city-cycling in Tel Aviv
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- März, 12, 2020
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Reisen
Conquer a city When we are in a foreign city we have two options: 1. we see the city as a tourist through the eyes of the guiding book or 2. we try to discover a city through the eyes of its inhabitants. Both are nonsense. To the 1st option: You can also read guidebooks […]
Streetart in Tel Aviv
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- Feb., 27, 2020
- Andrea Kuenstle
- Reisen
Bunt – bunter – am buntesten, das ist Streetart in Tel Aviv! Man könnte fast meinen, es ginge darum, möglichst viele und möglichst schrille Farben an die Wände zu bringen. Natürlich gibt es auch die anderen, die ganz bedeckt daher kommen, aber das ist eher selten. Und da der Buntheitsgrad nicht mehr zu übertreffen ist, gibt […]